Styles of the data plot

On the plot configuration panel, after the line style label, is placed the drop-down list with five options of style, which are: discreet, solid line, dashed line, dash-dot line and dotted line. In the example of the Image 75 the dash-dot line style is shown, with blue color and without markers.

Image 75 – The line style element is a drop-down list, where are five options. In the image the dash-dot line style is selected.

Analogously to the line style, after the marker style label, is found the drop-down list with different options of markers, some of them are: Point, Circle, Triangle down and Triangle up. In the Image 76 is used the triangle down marker, with the discreet line style and the color blue.

Image 76 – The marker style element is a drop-down list, where are different options. In the image the triangle down marker style is selected and represents each coordinate of the data.

Next, after the color style label, is placed the drop-down list with seven colors: blue, green, red, cyan, magenta, yellow and black. In the example of the Image 77 is used the red color, with the solid line style and the point marker.

Image 77 – The color style element is a drop-down list, where are seven options. In the image the red color style is selected. In addition, the solid line style and point marker are chosen.

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