sonoUno is a User Centered software that allows people with different sensory styles to explore scientific data, visually and by sonorization,
and make science.
The framework focuses on an accessible human computer interface (HCI) design. If you are interested in this approach, the full recommendations are in PDF format HERE.
This page has 6 buttons that you can access using traditional web access, shortcut keys or voice interaction.
Description of the 6 buttons you can find bellow:
- User Manual: links you to the complete description of the software and in different chapters, presents the description of each functionality.
- Installation instructive: links you to the step-by-step instructive to install the software fr different operating systems and provides some examples of good installation. Also has a description of possible error sources.
- sonoUno web access: the software can be installed at your own laptop, but also runs under a web-interface environment.
- Gallery of data access.
- News: where novelties about sonoUno and sonification will be published.
- GitHub address: links to the web repository to download the last version of the software.

This work is partially supported by REINFORCE Project. REINFORCE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project call H2020-SwafS-2018-2020 under Grant Agreement no. 872859. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such.